Resistance bands are one of the most versatile pieces of fitness equipment anyone can own. They are inexpensive and provide a full-body workout with just the band and a door. It doesn’t get much easier than that!
Check out the top resistance band door exercises below.
Standing Back Row
For this resistance band door exercise, you’ll need the door anchor to attach your resistance band to for support. Anchor the band to the middle of the door. Once anchored, grab one side of the band in each hand and step back until your arms are out straight at shoulder height. The band should be tight, but not too tight.
Keep your core engaged and your back straight. Slightly bend your knees and exhale as you pull your arms straight back. Pull until your hands are at your ribcage and your elbows at your sides. Slowly release back to the starting position, inhaling.
Repeat 10 – 12 times.
Chest Fly
Put the anchor at the top of the door and face away from the door. Grab one end of the band in each hand and walk away from the door until the band is tight (but not the point of snapping).
Stagger your feet in a V-shape, so that one is slightly behind the other. Keep your core tight and spread your arms out wide, keeping them shoulder height. When you’re ready, slowly exhale and bring your hands together in front of you, stopping just before they touch.
Slowly inhale and release your arms back out wide. Repeat 10 – 12 times.
Standing Chest Press
Anchor the resistance band in the middle of the door and face away from the door. Grab one end of the resistance band in each hand. Stagger your feet one in front of the other about shoulder-width apart.
Position your arms so that your elbows are back behind you at shoulder height, with your arms parallel to the floor. Keep your core engaged and slowly exhale, pulling your hands straight out in front of you. Your arms should fully extend, but don’t lock your elbows.
Inhale and slowly return your hands back to the starting position. Repeat 10 – 12 times.
Front Raise
The Front Raise is one of the most powerful resistance bands door exercises. Anchor the resistance band at the lowest point of the door. Face away from the door and grab both handles, one in each hand. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start with your elbows bent and arms at your side.
Slowly exhale and lift your arms up to shoulder height, with the band completely straightened. Pull until your arms are straight, but make sure your elbows aren’t locked. Slowly release, inhaling back to the starting position.
Repeat 10 – 12 times.

Standing Calf Raises
Anchor the resistance band at the bottom of the door. Grab one end of the band in each hand and face away from the door.
Face your palms forward and bend your elbows at your sides so the band falls down your back over your shoulders. Slowly lean forward, pulling the band taut. Once you are in position, slowly raise up on your tiptoes, stretching your calves. Slowly lower back down and repeat 10 – 12 times.
Decline Chest Press
Anchor the band at the top of the door and face away from the door. Grab one handle in each hand and stagger your feet one in front of the other, keeping them about shoulder-width apart.
Lift your elbows back so they are in the ‘fly’ position, but position your body so the band is taut, but not too tight. Facing your palms to the ground, slowly straighten your arms, pulling the band down toward the ground. Keep your core engaged and pull until your arms are straight out in front of you.
Inhale and release back to the starting position. Repeat 10 to 12 times.
These resistance bands door exercises work multiple muscles in your body, giving you a full-body workout without the need for expensive machinery or doing too much cardio. As with any exercise, always stretch before you start and after you finish. Give your muscles time to warm up and cool down. If anything doesn’t feel right, modify, or stop – don’t push your body too hard.
If you’re unsure if you should do resistance band door exercises, consult with your doctor before starting to ensure it’s a good program for you to help you build muscle, lose fat, and gain the strength you desire.